Spring Session Open!
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Our Programs

Weekly lessons over ten week sessions customized to every student's needs and learning level.

Illustration of a hippo wearing sunglasses blowing a whistle at a smaller hippo wearing sunglasses
Private coaching

Personalized coaching for
every comfort and skill level

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Illustration of two small hippos with sunglasses on yellow pool tubes
Semi-private lessons

Personalized coaching for
every comfort and skill level

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Illustration of a hippo wearing sunglasses standing proudly with a blue ribbon
Pre-competitive training

Personalized coaching for
every comfort and skill level

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Our Facilities

1,200 sq. ft.
indoor pool

All of our classes are taught at our dedicated indoor pool with special sections for students at any level

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Image of the Hippo Swim Club indoor pool

Ready to take
your swimming to the next level?

Join our community of confident swimmers today!
Enroll Now
Illustration of a hippo wearing sunglasses in a yellow pool tube